Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Remembering 9/11

My fellow human beings...

Today we remember one of the worst loss of life he U.S. has had in decades. On September 11, 2001, which seemed like a normal Tuesday morning, at 8:46 A.M. a plane crashed into the North Tower. Several minutes later at 9:03 A.M. a second plane crashed into the south tower. Now it was clear that america was under attack. Meanwhile, in Washington D.C. another plane had hit the pentagon. Everywhere there was chaos. Nobody knew what was going to happen next. Nobody knew who was attacking us. Nobody knew why we were under attack. About two hours later, the South tower came down, closely followed by the North. Another plane headed to Washington D.C. was taken over by the passengers who bravely attempted to take over the cockpit form the terrorists that controlled it. Unfortunatley, they were unsuccessful, and the plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania, but the heroes onboard saved hundreds if not thousands of lives. People couldn't believe what was happening. For the week after the attacks, the United States, and the world was in total shock. No cars were in the streets, no airplanes in the air, and no people on the sidewalks. The total death toll of the attacks was 2,996 people. Today we mark the 11th anniversary of this national tragedy. We will never forget the heroes of 9/11.
United Airlines flight 175 before crashing into the south tower.

The pentagon after it was hit.
The 9/11 memorial in New York City.

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